Laser Hair Removal in India: What You Need to Know

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If you’ve ever spent a restless night stressing over unsightly facial hair, you’re not alone. Many of us dream of a silky-smooth face, free from that annoying stubble. Enter laser hair removal—a beacon of hope in our quest for hair-free, velvety skin. Not only is it hailed as one of the safest methods to banish unwanted hair, but it’s also seen as a long-term solution for those pesky strands. Whether it’s that stubborn chin hair, the noticeable upper lip fuzz, sideburns, or even underarm and body hair, laser treatment offers a confidence boost like no other.

Now, you might be thinking, “It sounds perfect, so what’s the catch?” For some, it’s the fear of pain. For others, it’s the potential cost. But before we dive into the ins and outs, let’s set the record straight: laser hair removal does reduce hair growth, but it’s not always a permanent fix for all. Nonetheless, it remains the top choice for many seeking a fuzz-free life. In this article, we’ll unpack everything you’ve ever wanted to know about laser hair removal in India, debunking myths and setting facts straight. So, are you ready to embark on a smoother journey? Let’s begin!

A Guide to the Various Laser Hair Removal Machines in Indi

India, with its diverse range of skin tones and hair textures, requires a tailored approach to laser hair removal. Not every machine will be suitable for everyone, which is why there are several types on the market to cater to these variations. Here’s a closer look:

  1. Nd YAG Laser Hair Removal: A trusted choice, the Nd YAG laser (Neodymium Yttrium Aluminium Garnet) utilises a pulsed laser to target cells and hair follicles. With FDA approval, it’s effective for both light and dark skin types, making it a preferred choice for many Indian dermatologists. Ideal for extensive areas like the chest, back, and legs. Although it can be slightly uncomfortable, a cooling agent is often applied beforehand for relief.
  2. Diode: This machine zeroes in on hair pigment, creating heat that obliterates the melanin in hair follicles. It’s particularly adept at handling medium to dark skin and is effective against thick, coarse hair.
  3. Ruby Laser: Best suited for those with fair skin and dark hair, the Ruby Laser offers a more comfortable experience. It’s specifically designed for smaller areas like the chin and upper lip. An added benefit is its in-built cooling system, which reduces potential side effects.
  4. Alexandrite Laser Treatment: Emitting a long wavelength that targets and reduces hair follicles, this laser is adept at covering large areas. It’s most effective for those with fair to olive complexions.
  5. IPL (Intense Pulsed Light): Unlike traditional lasers, IPL uses broad-spectrum light. When it interacts with hair melanin, it converts into heat, damaging the follicle. Best for light-skinned individuals with dark hair, it offers a gentler treatment experience.
  6. Soprano ICE: Renowned for its pain-free procedure, Soprano ICE is a universal choice, suitable for all skin shades and hair types. With minimal side effects, it’s an excellent option for those seeking efficient and comfortable treatments.

In India, while there are many lasers available, the Soprano ICE, ND-YAG, and diode variants are among the most frequently used due to their efficacy and broad suitability.

Understanding Laser Hair Removal: The Process & Experience

How Does It Work?

Laser hair removal is underpinned by a simple yet effective principle. Most lasers are designed to transform light energy into heat, which targets the melanin (a dark pigment) in hair follicles. As melanin naturally absorbs light, it becomes the perfect target for lasers. The laser’s concentrated beam is more readily absorbed by growth-phase follicles, heating them to the point where they are rendered inactive. In essence, the laser’s heat damages the follicle, stunting its ability to produce hair.

Your First Laser Hair Removal Experience:

Research & Select: Begin by thoroughly researching and selecting a certified, reputable dermatologist or clinic. When it comes to your skin, professionalism and expertise are paramount.

Preparation: Refrain from tweezing, waxing, or plucking the targeted hair, ensuring the practitioner can accurately assess your hair growth.

Consultation: At your appointment, a doctor will evaluate your skin, hair type, and texture to determine the most appropriate laser and session frequency. Typically, facial hair removal demands 6-8 sessions. The consultation will also screen for potential underlying conditions, like PCOD.

The Treatment Room: Featuring a comfortable bed and the laser machine, this is where the magic happens.

Protection First: Prior to commencing, you’ll be given protective goggles to shield your eyes from the laser.

Prepping the Area: The practitioner will cleanse the targeted area and outline it with a special marker. The hair in this region will be carefully shaved, ensuring the roots remain intact.

Comfort Measures: Depending on your sensitivity, a topical anaesthetic might be applied. A cooling agent is then introduced to minimise any discomfort.

Laser Application: Using a handheld device, the practitioner will deliver pulses of laser light to your skin. This light is readily absorbed by active hair follicles, damaging them in the process.

Duration & Sensation: Small regions like the upper lip are swiftly treated in minutes, while larger areas like the back or legs may demand more time. The sensation? Many liken it to the snap of a rubber band. Areas with denser hair growth, like the underarms or upper lip, may produce a more pronounced sting.

Post-Treatment: The entire procedure, unless you’re receiving a full-body treatment, often concludes within an hour. However, remember that maintaining the results will require periodic touch-up sessions.

Remember, while laser hair removal offers a longer-term solution to unwanted hair, results can vary, and multiple sessions are often needed to achieve the desired outcome.

Aftercare and Insights on Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Post-Treatment Immediate Effects and Care:

Redness & Swelling: It’s common to experience some redness or swelling immediately after the procedure. This typically subsides within a few hours.

Post-treatment Care: The technician will apply a soothing cream or ointment to help reduce skin inflammation. To further ease discomfort, you can apply ice packs to the treated area.

Sun Protection: Shield your treated skin from direct sunlight and always apply sunscreen when exposed.

Avoiding Certain Activities: Stay clear of plucking or tweezing hairs and refrain from chemical peels, acne treatments, or retinoids for at least a week.

Reasons to Choose Laser Hair Removal:

Laser hair removal stands out due to its efficiency. The treatment reduces hair growth by an impressive 70%. Moreover, any hair that regrows is notably finer and sparser than before

Alternative Hair Removal Methods:

There’s a range of alternatives to laser hair removal, including:

  • Plucking
  • Tweezing
  • Threading
  • Waxing
  • Electrolysis

Expected Results:

Immediate results post-laser treatment shouldn’t be anticipated. You’ll notice hair regrowing after the initial sessions, but this hair will be noticeably finer and less dense. A significant difference becomes evident after 6 to 8 sessions. Remember, laser hair removal is about hair reduction, not complete elimination.

Laser Hair Removal Pricing in India:

India offers cost-effective laser hair removal services compared to many countries. Periodic promotional offers and EMI facilities further sweeten the deal. It’s often more economical to choose a package rather than paying per session. Here’s a general idea of the average costs:

Upper Lip: Around 2000 INR per session.

Upper Lip & Chin: Approximately 2500 to 3000 INR per session.

Full Face: About 5000 INR.

Full Body: Close to 1 lakh for a package deal.

The type of laser machine used influences the price. Soprano, Nd-YAG, and diode tend to be pricier.

However, prices can vary based on the clinic, location, and the expertise of the dermatologist, so always consult and compare before making a decision.

Post-Treatment Skincare: Essentials after Laser Hair Removal

  1. Gentle Handling:

Avoid touching the treated area. It’s sensitive and needs a gentle approach.

  1. Cleanse Carefully:

For the first day post-treatment, avoid soap or any strong cleansers. Stick to lukewarm water and mild cleansers.

  1. Product Restrictions:

Keep away from products containing AHAs, BHAs, or any acne treatments for a week. Likewise, avoid chemical peels for at least two weeks.

  1. Sun Safety:

Sun exposure can irritate freshly lasered skin. Wear protective clothing and hats when outside. Consult your dermatologist about sunscreen use.

  1. Soothe the Skin:

To counter any inflammation, apply ice packs or aloe vera gel to the treated area regularly after the procedure.

  1. Gentle Exfoliation:

Resist the urge to scrub or exfoliate the lasered area. It needs time to heal.

  1. Hair Handling:

Avoid tweezing or plucking hair. However, shaving between sessions is permissible.

Potential Side Effects:

You may feel a tingling sensation during the procedure.

Redness or mild inflammation post-treatment is common. Ice or cooling gels can provide relief.

In rare cases, with inappropriate laser settings, there might be slight burn marks. Always consult a professional if you notice anything unusual.

Pre-Treatment Checklist:

Before your laser session, ensure you:

  • Avoid plucking, tweezing, or waxing for at least two weeks.
  • Pause usage of products like retinoids, certain acids, or acne creams a week prior.
  • Minimize sun exposure and tanning.
  • Steer clear of chemical peels.

DIY Laser Hair Removal?

While there are at-home laser hair removal devices available, their effectiveness is generally less potent than professional treatments. A couple of popular devices include Tria Hair Removal Laser Precision and Philips Prestige Lumea IPL Hair Removal Device. If you’re considering DIY, always research thoroughly and remember: safety first!


We hope that all your doubts regarding laser hair removal have been cleared now 

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