7 Brilliant Tricks to Tackle That Love Bite

Estimated read time 5 min read

The classic love bite – a romantic souvenir one didn’t quite sign up for! While it’s a testament to passion, it’s not precisely the kind of accessory one would choose to sport on a daily basis. The hickey, my friends, is a bit of an unwelcome guest.

To understand a hickey, let’s delve briefly into the science behind it. Our bodies are intricate networks of blood vessels, ferrying life-giving blood to every nook and cranny. Among these vessels, capillaries are the delicate ones, easily prone to damage. When a passionate kiss involves a bit more suction than usual, these tiny vessels beneath the skin’s surface can break, leading to that characteristic mark. Essentially, a hickey is a minor bruise, a sign of some tiny ruptured blood vessels and resultant blood pooling. Deprived of oxygen, the area starts to darken, often taking on a purple or brown hue.

But fear not! A fleeting moment of passion needn’t leave a long-lasting mark. If you’ve been bestowed with a love bite you’d rather not flaunt, we’ve got your back (or neck, or arm!). Let’s explore some top-notch remedies to help that hickey vanish in no time. For those prone to these romantic ‘accidents’, keep reading; next time, you’ll know just how to deal!

Handy Remedies to Fade Away Love Bites

  1. Ice Magic:

Ah, the wonders of ice! A staple in every kitchen and a first aid go-to, its icy touch can be a quick fix for that surprise love bite. Here’s how it works: ice constricts the blood vessels, reducing further bleeding into the skin. Simply wrap some cubes in a cloth (or even better, use ice made from natural juice) and gently massage the area. Not only does this minimise the hickey, but the antibacterial properties of the juice can also cleanse and moisturise the affected area. Voilà! A double whammy of care.

  1. The Moisturiser Massage:

Most of us have that trusty bottle of moisturiser at hand. Little did you know, it can come to your rescue for those unexpected hickeys! Here’s the trick: a gentle massage with a good-quality moisturiser can improve circulation in the area, dissipating the pooled blood. Spend 15-20 minutes softly rubbing the area, encouraging the hickey to fade faster. But a word of caution – if you have sensitive skin, make sure to use a cream that you know agrees with you.

  1. The Alcohol Rub:

Now, while we often hear about the perils of drinking alcohol, applying it to the skin (sparingly!) can be a different story. Many beauty products do contain a smidgeon of alcohol due to its rejuvenating properties. If that hickey is fresh (just a few hours old), dabbing a bit of alcohol can be beneficial. Its disinfectant nature can prevent any potential skin issues, and it can soothe the skin too. Just moisten a cotton ball with a bit of alcohol, gently massage the hickey for a few minutes, and voila! Just remember to moisturise afterward, as alcohol can be drying. Remember, a balanced approach is the key!

  1. The Aloe Vera Elixir:

Ever stumbled upon the green, thorny Aloe Vera plant? It’s not just a pretty plant but a skincare marvel too! The fresh gel from this plant is the ultimate cooling and soothing remedy, especially for those pesky love bites. It’s brimming with anti-inflammatory properties that ease inflammation and speeds up healing. For optimal results, slice an aloe leaf and apply the gel directly onto the hickey several times a day. No fresh Aloe? No worries! Opt for creams or lotions that have Aloe Vera as a primary ingredient.

  1. The Humble Comb Technique:

Yes, it may sound a tad quirky, but using a comb can be quite effective! Think of it as a gentle massage that disperses the trapped blood. By combing over the hickey, you’re encouraging the blood to flow back to its proper channels. But remember, gentle is the key word here. We don’t want to add any more love wounds!

  1. Cocoa Butter – Not Just a Moisturiser:

Cocoa butter has been a moisturising favourite for aeons, but its prowess doesn’t end there. This luxurious butter can be a saviour for your love bite too. Start by warming the affected area with a cloth dipped in warm water to open up the pores, and then gently massage cocoa butter into the skin. This process improves circulation and eases the hickey away.

  1. Banana Peel Magic:

Before you bin that banana peel after your morning snack, did you know it has skin-loving properties? Rich in Vitamin C and other skin-soothing components, the humble banana peel can reduce swelling and promote healing. Simply rub the inside of the peel over your love bite several times a day. It’s a tropical treat for your skin!


Remember, these hacks are all about patience and gentle care. If your hickey doesn’t vanish by morning, don’t fret! Give it some time and tender love; it’ll soon be a distant memory.

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