The Magic of Oils in Makeup Removal

Estimated read time 4 min read

Recently, I’ve embarked on a delightful journey into the world of oils, and oh, what a revelation it has been! While a pal of mine swears by the age-defying properties of castor oil, my personal potion consists of a concoction of coconut oil jazzed up with a few droplets of castor oil. This blend doesn’t just melt away my makeup but offers a pampering massage to boot. On days I’m feeling especially gentle, baby oil becomes my go-to, especially for those pesky waterproof mascaras. If you’re intrigued by the idea of pairing makeup removal with the nourishing embrace of oils, join me as I delve deeper.

You see, once upon a time, I was under the illusion that oils would act like glue, trapping all the day’s dirt and grime in my pores. How wrong I was! Rather than acting as adhesive agents, the right oils can effortlessly dissolve the very oils and makeup that sit on our skin. While it’s true that some oils might not be everyone’s cup of tea, there’s a plethora of them – think olive, almond, castor, coconut, and grapeseed – that work wonders without being heavy. My secret? A bespoke blend of a couple of these oils, creating a personalised makeup melting elixir.


Olive oil, for instance, is a marvel. Not only does it gently lift off your daily makeup, but it’s also a champ at tackling stubborn eye makeup. And for those with an oily complexion, castor oil might just become your new best friend. Simply massage it where makeup has been applied, give a bit of love to your eyelids, and watch as your makeup dissolves. Once done, a gentle swipe with cotton followed by your usual face wash does the trick. I do enjoy a mild exfoliating wash post this routine for that extra touch of freshness.


And for my fellow castor oil aficionados, here’s a treat: a blend of grapeseed and castor oil in a 3:1 ratio. Mix it up, and voilà, you’ve got a gentle makeup remover crafted specially for sensitive skin!


Once a kitchen favourite, it’s now making waves in the beauty domain, right alongside the ever-popular olive oil. Fancy a bespoke makeup remover? Combine equal parts of canola, olive, and castor oil, and you’ve got yourself an elixir that’s particularly splendid for sweeping away eye makeup.


Sweet almond oil, with its lush richness, is another treasure trove. I must confess, its opulence can feel a tad overwhelming at times, which is why a dab on cotton wool does wonders in lifting makeup without weighing down the skin. Castor oil shares this rich quality, making them both prime choices for those with drier skin.


Next up is coconut oil, the darling of many, second only to the innocence of baby oil. To harness its makeup-melting prowess, take a dollop, warm it up between your palms, and massage onto your face, eyes included. Let it bask in its glory for a moment, then gently wipe it away with cotton. Rinse, and behold your refreshed visage. A universal charm, coconut oil lovingly caters to various skin types.


While jojoba oil might play hard to get, its rarity is worth the effort. A concoction of three parts jojoba oil with a splash of water makes a sensitive-skin-friendly eye makeup remover, offering gentle care where it matters most.

Now, while the timeless trio of baby oil, coconut, and olive oil are forever cherished, if I were to pick a reigning champion, coconut oil would wear the crown. A little tip from one beauty enthusiast to another: After massaging in your chosen oil, allow it to sit for a minute or two. Then, with eyes gently shut, place a warm (briefly microwaved) damp cloth over your face, letting it rest for about 30 seconds. Wipe away, and not only will your makeup be gone, but you’ll also notice an enchanting difference in your skin’s elasticity and hydration. Plus, you’d be indulging in an eco-friendly and pocket-friendly makeup remover. Win-win!

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